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Contact Us

You may reach us through these channels:

Metro Manila

+63 (2) 8840-1234

Toll-Free from other provinces through PLDT


For International Call

IAC + 63 + 2 + 8840 1234

Reminders when using Toll-Free Numbers:

  1. Toll-Free Numbers are available only through the use of landlines.
  2. Use of Toll-Free number from other provinces only applies within the Philippines only.
  3. International calls are available only through selected telecom providers. Click here to see list including International Access Codes (IAC).

If your telecom provider is not in the list, dial our Customer Care Hotline number where the '+' sign stands for the originating country's IAC (i.e. IAC + 63 + 2 + 8840-1234). Applicable call charges shall be for the account of the calling party.

In the body of your email, please include your full name, company name,
landline and mobile numbers, and the Product/s and/or
Service/s you're interested in and send to

[email protected]